A report argued that housing associations need to be more responsive to the needs of women tenants, who head almost two-thirds of the households in housing association accommodation.
Source: Lesley Andrews, Women at Home?, Housing Corporation (020 7393 2000)
Links: Report (pdf) | Guardian article
Date: 2002-Dec
An article examined changes in economic and social role occupancy in Great Britain across four birth cohorts passing through mid-life over the period 1985 to 2000. It was found that the proportion of people with multiple role commitments in mid-life (for example, work, care for children and care for dependent parents) is relatively low at any one point in time: but the likelihood of having multiple role commitments appears to be increasing across successive birth cohorts. Multiple role responsibilities make little difference to entitlement to basic state pensions: but there are significant differences with respect to entitlement to second tier pensions, with women (especially mothers) being particularly disadvantaged. Moreover, combining paid employment with caregiving was not an option for a significant minority of women with caring responsibilities in mid-life.
Source: Maria Evandrou and Karen Glaser, 'Changing economic and social roles: the experience of four cohorts of mid-life individuals in Britain, 1985 2000', Population Trends 110, Winter 2002, Office for National Statistics, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: Article (pdf) | Research findings (pdf) | ESRC press release
Date: 2002-Dec
A research report said that the pension system is failing to address the needs of women, and discussed the confusion and contradictions caused by changes in pension policy.
Source: Eileen Evason and Lynda Spence, Women and Pensions, Equality Commission for Northern Ireland (028 90 500600)
Links: Report (Word file)
Date: 2002-Dec
The government published a consultation document designed to provide information, generate discussion and outline a direction to help achieve a mainstream approach to gender in mental health service organisation and delivery.
Source: Women s Mental Health: Into the Mainstream, Department of Health (08701 555455)
Links: Consultation Document (pdf) | Summary (pdf) | DH press release
Date: 2002-Oct
The Liberal Democrats said that at least 4.5 million women who opted out of full national insurance contributions before 1977 have few or no state pension rights, despite having paid more than 8 billion in contributions. The government rejected calls for action to redress the situation, saying that women had been properly informed of the consequences of opting out.
Source: The Guardian, 4.9.02 | The Guardian, 17.9.02
Links: Guardian 4.9.02 | Guardian 17.9.02
Date: 2002-Sep
A study found that although partners of non-JSA (jobseeker's allowance) benefit recipients may be interested in work, the introduction of a meeting termed a work focused interview raises concerns over being pushed into work. (Non-JSA benefits are: income support, invalid care allowance, incapacity benefit, or severe disablement allowance.)
Source: Laura Sirett, Clare Johnson, Tanya Saunders and Andrew Thomas, Partners of Non-JSA Benefit Recipients, WAE 115, Department for Work and Pensions (0114 259 6278)
Links: Report (pdf) | Summary (pdf)
Date: 2002-Jul
Two studies examined the effects of the system of joint claims for jobseeker's allowance. The first found more claimants are in work, particularly women, who are also working longer hours than before. The second found that the more motivated couples experience improved employment prospects, while those of the least motivated worsen.
Source: Dorothe Bonjour, Richard Dorsett, Genevieve Knight, Steve Lissenburgh, Joint Claims for JSA - Quantitative Evaluation of Labour Market Effects, WAE 117, Department for Work and Pensions (0114 259 6278) | John Bell, Joint Claims for JSA: A Summary of Qualitative Research, WAE 125, Department for Work and Pensions (0114 259 6278)
Links: WAE 117 (pdf) | WAE 125 (pdf) | WAE 125 (Summary) (pdf)
See also: Journal of Social Policy Volume 31/3, Digest 123, paragraph 7.7
Date: 2002-Jul
A report examined women's access and attitudes to state and private sector incapacity benefits.
Source: M. Howard, In Sickness and in Health, Fawcett Society (020 7628 4441) and Disability Alliance
Links: Summary (pdf)
Date: 2002-May